Leadership Whitley County class 18 featuring J&K Communications, Inc. employee Stephanie Bradbury. Leadership Whitley County class 18 featuring J&K Communications, Inc. employee Stephanie Bradbury.

Leadership Whitley County

J&K Communications, Inc. is dedicated to the betterment of its employees and expresses the importance of strong community and business leaders by enrolling our employees in Leadership Whitley County. Since 2001, our community has implemented this program to prepare our future community leaders for the challenges that lie ahead. Recently, Leadership Whitley County wrapped up its 18th class, graduating J&K Communications, Inc. Controller Stephanie Bradbury. Stephanie had this to say about her experience:

“Being a part of Leadership Whitley County over the past 7 months has been a great way to connect with other members of our community that want to make a positive difference! LWC gave us the means to build professional relationships with one another while digging deep into the question, “What kind of leader do I want to be?”

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